Math and Vector Functions |
Updated 04/09/99 |
Vector2) |
Vector1: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."100 32 3" Vector2: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."34 77 45" USED IN: Item.cs
RETURN: Float. The dot product. If failed then 0. |
Will perform
the dot product on the two vectors. |
Vector2) |
Vector1: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."100 32 3" Vector2: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."34 77 45" USED IN:
Currently not used in any script files. RETURN: Vector. Example:
"134 169 48". If failed then "0 0 0". |
Will add the
two vectors together. |
Vector2) |
Vector1: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."100 32 3" Vector2: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."34 77 45" USED IN: Currently
not used in any script files. RETURN: Vector. Example: "66 -45
-42". If failed then "0 0 0". |
Will subtract
the two vectors. |
Vector: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."100 32 3" USED IN:
Currently not used in any script files. RETURN: Vector. Example:
"-56 -34 -23". If failed then "0 0 0" |
Will make the
Vector values all negative.
Vector = "56 34 23";
Answer = Vector::neg(Vector);
Answer is equal to "-56 -34 -23". |
Vector::getFromRot(Rotation, [Length,
Zvalue]) |
Rotation of an object. Length: Length of desired vector.
Zvalue: Will increase the vector in the Z direction. USED
IN: Ai.cs, Item.cs, Vehicle.cs RETURN: Vector. Example: "394 44
43". If failed then "0 0 0". |
Is used to
create a vector in the direction of the rotation passed in. If no
length is passed then the vector will be the unit length. This is
most commonly used to get a vector in the direction an object is
For example:
Rotation = GameBase::GetRotation(Player);
Length = 50; Zvalue = 60;
Vector = Vector::getFromRot(Rotation, Length, Zvalue);
Vector is equal to a vector facing in the direction the
player was at an upward angle. The upward angle is due
to the Zvalue passed in. Now you can us a function called
Player::applyImpulse(Player, Vector); This will force the
player forward at a force of Length and up in the air a force
of Zvalue . |
Vector::getDistance(Vector1 or Pos, Vector2 or
Pos) |
Vector1: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."100 32 3" Vector2: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."34 77 45" Pos: Position. Is
an X, Y, Z point. "28 25 99". USED IN: Ai.cs, Objectives.cs
RETURN: Float. Distance. If failed then 0. |
Is used to find
the distance between two vectors or points .
Vector::getRotation(NVector) |
Normalized vector. Example: "1 0 -1" USED IN: Item.cs
RETURN: Rotation in radians. Example: "-1.5 0
3.14". |
Used to get a
rotation from a normalized vector . |
Vector::normalize(Vector) |
Vector: Is a
Vector that has an X, Y and Z value."100 32 3" USED IN:
Staticshape.cs RETURN: Vector. Normalized Vector. If failed then
"0 0 0". |
Will normalize
the vector passed in . |
Value is a non
negative number. USED IN: Vehicle.cs RETURN: Float. The
square root of the input value. If failed then -1. |
Used to take
the square root of the value passed in .
Value: Integer.
Power: Integer. USED IN: Currently not used in any script
files. RETURN: Float. If failed then -1. |
Will raise the
Value to the given Power. |